Floor paint

Pintura epoxi suelos

Floor paint adapts to the requirements of the environment. And to the physical conditions of the pavement. Morlopin offers a wide range of floor paints. To provide a solution to your needs. Paint is available for concrete and metal floors.

Keys to choosing the best floor paint

  • Function of the pavement. It must be taken into account that a floor intended for the passage of people does not suffer the same wear and tear. That other used for the unloading of goods. In other words, the paint must have adequate mechanical strength. To have adequate durability, or chemical resistance.
  • Type and conditions of the support. In most cases, concrete floor paint is required. Although there are other substrates to be coated. Such as metal floors and sports courts. In addition, the pathologies present in the pavement must be taken into account. As well as having the necessary repairs for its perfect operation.
  • Costs. It is clear that the relationship between quality and price must be favorable. And taking into account the two previous points. It is easier to achieve a balance between paint quality and the cost of purchase and application.
  • Other factors. This includes issues such as the aesthetic finish of the paint once it has been applied and the delivery time of the product.

Thus, a good floor paint must have adequate mechanical resistance to traffic, resistance to thermal stress. It must also have resistance to chemical attack, cleanliness and its anti-slip and anti-bacterial characteristics.

SEARCH: interior floor paints, exterior floor paints, cement floor paints, ceramic floor paints, tile floor paints, floor paints and varnishes, floor paints, floor paints, Anti-slip paints

Primers for the protection of industrial floors

The MORLOHIDROL EPW-10 family of water-based epoxy primers for floor protection can be used in various types of coatings. Such as vitrified ceramic floors and other types of surfaces that, due to their arid nature, present less adhesion difficulties.

This waterborne epoxy-polyamide floor paint has a number of specialized features for floors. Such as having great adhesion and breathability and stands out for its great resistance and excellent anchorage. In addition, they do not carbonate in adverse weather conditions.

It is mainly used on concrete floors, terrace floors and vitrified tiles. It is also used in tiles, fiberglass backings and access floors.

MORLO PAINTS. Paint manufacturer since 1986.

Morlo Paint Factory

Epoxy Floor

  • CLEAR EPOXY PRIMER: MORLOFLOOR CLEAR EPOXY PRIMER. This family of primers for floors has its epoxy-polyamide nature in SOLVENT medium, and is very suitable as a primer-consolidation layer on concrete floors, mainly. Its most common use is as a primer on new, blasted or milled concrete floors.
  • EPOXY SELF-LEVELING: MORLOFLOOR SELF-LEVELING. This coating is usually applied as an intermediate layer, between the primer and the finish, to perfect the deficiencies that the floor to be protected may show. Its nature is epoxy-polyamide, characterized by its excellent leveling and deep curing even in very thick layers. It is necessary to mix it with silica sand classified between 0.2 and 0.4 mm. in the proportion of 150% of the total mixture (for 5.00 kg of Component A + 2.25 kg of Component B, 10.875 kg of silica sand must be added).
With us you will always get the highest quality
BSI UKAS Morlopin

Floor protection paint

In MORLOPIN, S.L. we have more than 40 years of experience and in our industrial paint factory you will find the best qualities.
  • WATER-BASED ACRYLIC ENAMELS FOR OUTDOOR/INDOOR INDUSTRIAL FLOOR PROTECTION: FLEXICRYL. Paint based on copolymers of styrene and acrylic acid in aqueous dispersion, with pigments,
    fillers and additives of high resistance to light that confer good color retention to atmospheric agents and allow traffic on floors where it is applied. Its main application is in TECHNICAL FLOORS.
  • WATER-BASED EPOXY ENAMELS: MORLOHIDROL EPW-30. They are water-based epoxy enamels, catalyzed at 20% by weight with its catalyzer MORLOHIDROL EPW-30, which have the advantage of allowing the slight transpiration of water that the floor may contain, preventing the film from jumping due to the effect of water vapor. It is a protective coating for concrete floors and walls, with high hardness and abrasion resistance, as well as good chemical resistance. This system has been developed to comply with the VOC (volatile organic compound) emission values referred to in Royal Decree Law 242/2001 (Directive 1999/13/EC).

What defines us…





Solvent-based floor paint


One-component thermoplastic acrylic finish, which allows trafficability in a very short period of time.

They are ideal for painting road signs.

Its most common use is as a finish coat on concrete floors as well as horizontal parking lot markings.


It is a chlorinated rubber coating based on chlorinated olefinic polymers for the protection of concrete substrates.

It stands out for its excellent impermeability to water, very good outdoor behavior and great performance.


Solvent-free epoxy-polyamide finish for indoor floors with very high mechanical and chemical resistance.

It is catalyzed with its MORLOFLOOR SD 300 catalyst with the mixing ratio 100:25 by weight.


This group of finishes for floors has its nature epoxy – polyamide in SOLVENT medium, and is very suitable as a finishing coat on floors that are previously primed with our MORLOFLOOR PRIMER EPOX TRANSPARENT.

They stand out for their mechanical and chemical resistance. And its most common use is as a finishing coat for new concrete floors, shot blasted or
milled. They are not suitable for outdoor use.

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