Industrial Paints

Industrial painting for professionals

Industrial paint is designed to meet the specific needs of different production processes. Its main function is to provide chemical and mechanical resistance. Whether in industrial materials, machinery, structures, demanding environments or aggressive environments. In other words, industrial paint is designed to withstand physical and chemical agents. Reducing wear and protecting multi-element parts and structures from the elements.

What is industrial paint used for?

  1. Corrosion resistance. Either with the use of anticorrosive primers or enamels. The protective coating provided by these elements prevents corrosion and extends the service life of industrial structures and parts. Esto es aun más importante cuando los materiales se ven expuestos directamente a la corrosión, como en el caso de las estructuras metálicas cerca del mar o en una planta química.
  2. Resist extreme conditions Cuando las estructuras y maquinarias industriales se ven expuestas a altas temperaturas o altas cantidades de radiación solar. It is normal for the elements to deteriorate. Por lo tanto, los esmaltes anticalóricos se utilizan para reducir el estrés térmico de los materiales y alargar su vida útil.
  3. Resist wear and tear. An essential characteristic for industrial paint is that it can withstand the wear and tear that comes from use. In other words, it has to resist scratches, shocks and the action of chemicals. Por lo tanto, conviene usar pinturas industriales, aunque no haya condiciones tan extremas como las indicadas anteriormente. For example, water-based epoxy primers and epoxy enamels are a very good choice for their strength and adhesion. Likewise, polyurethane enamels are optimal for exterior use due to their combination of flexibility that accepts sudden changes in temperature and resistance to ultraviolet rays.

Finally, there are specific painting processes approved under the UNE EN ISO 12944 Standard to acquire various categories of corrosion resistance.

Con todos estos usos es normal que la pintura industrial se utilice para la protección, mantenimiento y pintado de instalaciones industriales. Adding an extra layer of protection against chemicals, corrosion and oxidation in humid environments and extreme heat. Además, las pinturas industriales se diseñan para durar y resistir el uso intensivo. Confíe en Morlopin, su fábrica de pinturas para profesionales.

PINTURAS MORLO: Paint manufacturer since 1986.

Advantages of industrial painting

  • Protection. It is clear that protection is one of the main advantages of industrial paint and provides a durable finish.


  • Optimum adhesion. Industrial materials have a wide variety of surfaces. And it is complicated for normal paints and enamels. However, the extraordinary adhesion of industrial paint avoids the risk of cracks and peeling.


  • Shades and finishes. Es posible elegir el acabado que más le guste. And thanks to the fact that it can be applied easily and in a short time, it becomes the best solution for your business.

Water-based anticorrosive primers

  • Oxide hydroconverter. This type of industrial paint is a water-based synthetic primer that complies with several regulations, including Royal Decree 117/2003 of January 31, 2003. And it is designed without any Volatile Organic Compounds for use with water as a diluent. Neutralizes the corrosion process. Therefore, it is used on partially oxidized surfaces.
  • Phosphating hydroantioxide. Para proteger soportes férricos expuestos a la corrosión, estas pinturas industriales anticorrosivas utilizan diferentes agentes. Lo que proporciona una barrera protectora que queda fijada al soporte de manera excelente.
  • Water based epoxy primer. Como esta imprimación anticorrosiva se basa en dos componentes, tiene un gran poder anticorrosivo. And it is recommended for use in metal structures and supports exposed to intense corrosive agents.

With us you will always get the highest quality

BSI UKAS Morlopin

Imprimaciones al disolvente

In MORLOPIN, S.L. we have more than 40 years of experience and in our industrial paint factory you will find the best qualities.

  • Primers for difficult to anchor substrates and special anticorrosive primers. To provide a perfect anchorage, these anticorrosive resins have a proprietary formulation. Including adhesion promoters, cold galvanizing and other all-terrain elements.
  • Fast drying synthetic primers. That have a high yield. Y se aplican de manera rápida y sencilla. Therefore, they are used in boilermaking, locksmithing and metallic structures. In addition to protecting wrought iron and metal carpentry elements.
  • Fast drying phosphating synthetic primers. Estas imprimaciones a base de resinas e hidrocarburos. Thanks to its content of pigments that strongly passivate oxidation.
  • Foscromat primer and Wash Primer. For elements that require welding and oxy-fuel cutting, this type of primer is the best solution. Both for its adhesion and speed of drying. As for the variety of uses it has.
  • Epoxy primers. Bisphenol A based and catalyzed with a specially designed adduct. This type of coating is extremely resistant to chemicals and water vapor. It also has a great adhesion on metallic substrates.

What defines us…





Industrial Paints

Industrial finishing

  • Water-based urethane synthetic enamels. For outdoor use due to its antioxidant agents. In this way, a single application protects and achieves the desired color and shine.
  • Waterborne polyurethane finish. Designed primarily for the protection of metal, concrete or wood substrates. That are exposed to the outdoors and require high levels of protection.

Industrial solvent finishes

  • Synthetic enamels. As they dry quickly and have antioxidant agents they are used outdoors. And they can be modified with polyurethane to embellish the final coating of industrial processes.
  • Anticaloric enamels. Designed to withstand high temperatures. They are composed of a silicone resin that cures under the effect of temperature.
  • Oven-drying enamels. They are used on metal supports to be machined. Therefore, maximum hardness is achieved at lower temperatures than with other enamels on the market. So you save energy.
  • Chlorinated rubber enamels. It stands out for its excellent impermeability to water and outdoor performance. Therefore, they are used in tanks, concrete floors and other outdoor installations.
  • Polyurethane enamels. These highly adherent clear coatings are used on a variety of metal substrates.

    RATINGS: industrial paints, industrial painting companies, industrial paint for machinery, industrial paint for iron, paints for metal structures

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